New Release!

So excited for this one! For over a year now, I’ve been preparing the first season of a sci-fi, YA adventure for publication on Kindle Vella. The Redstar follows the story of Offna Heim, a young starship captain trying to build a life for herself, her brother, and their crew, only to be interrupted by the appearance of their rebel cousins who always bring nothing but trouble. And this time, they’re not just here to freeload and leave. There’s more going on than Offna could have ever imagined.

I’ve juggled multiple versions of the story, swapped main characters, gotten feedback, tweaked the story again, and worked hard to make Season 1 the best that it can be. Now it’s finally time to launch it! (Get it? Launch? Cuz it’s about a spaceship…)

The Redstar is available to start reading for free now! Click here to enjoy, and let me know what you think!

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